Healthcare News
Is Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Appropriate for Patients Under Age 60?
Dr. Paul Cagle and Dr. Brad Parsons answer ICJR’s questions about their study evaluating long-term survivorship in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis who were younger than age 60 at the time of total shoulder arthroplasty.
What to know about tendinitis
Tendinitis — also known as tendonitis — is the inflammation of a tendon. It usually happens when a person overuses or injures a tendon during physical activity.
Certain Meds Raise Odds for Delirium After Surgery
Older adults have a higher risk of delirium after hip and knee surgery if they're taking anxiety, depression or insomnia drugs, researchers say.
Management of a Humeral Shaft Non-union with Concomitant Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy
In this article, we describe the unique presentation of an 83-year-old, right-hand dominant male with severe right arm dysfunction secondary to a humeral shaft non-union in the setting of ipsilateral CTA. The case highlights the options for, and difficulty in, managing these concomitant pathologies in a medically frail individual who has lost meaningful upper extremity function and independence because of this injury.
Common causes and treatments for a separated shoulder
A shoulder separation is an injury to the acromioclavicular joint on the top of the shoulder. The shoulder joint is formed at the junction of three bones: the collarbone (clavicle), the shoulder blade (scapula), and the arm bone (humerus). A shoulder separation occurs where the clavicle and the scapula come together.
Are You ‘Too Young’ for Hip Replacement Surgery?
An increasing number of younger people are having hip replacements due to advanced osteoarthritis in the hip joints. There are a number of reasons for the increase, especially among the younger patients. First and foremost, a total hip replacement is a very successful procedure.
Acetaminophen's role in pain management after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Including acetaminophen for pain management prior to and after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair can significantly reduce opioid consumption and improve patient satisfaction postoperatively. Not only that, but patients who take acetaminophen perioperative can also have better pain control, even while consuming fewer opioids.
Dead arm syndrome: Symptoms, causes, and treatment
Dead arm syndrome is a condition that affects the shoulder. It’s caused by repeated movements, which place stress on the joint.
What is water on the knee?
Knee effusion, sometimes called water on the knee, occurs when excess fluid accumulates in or around the knee joint. Common causes include arthritis and injury to the ligaments or meniscus, which is cartilage in the knee.
Why strengthening your hip flexors is important, according to new research
When it comes to strengthening your lower-body muscles that power your running, most runners focus on quads and hamstrings—but are you showing your hip flexors enough love? A recent study in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics suggests that ignoring them could lead to mobility issues as you age.